enjoying cacao
The magic of cacao
More than 5000 years ago, the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans were using cacao in sacred rituals. In these cultures, cacao was revered as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, a substance that could connect humans with the divine.
From a nutritional perspective, cacao is extremely nutritionally dense. It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, fibre and protein, as well as packed with flavonoids which can help reduce inflammation. But it doesn’t stop there! Cacao has been shown to lower stress levels and encourage feelings of relaxation owing to an amino acid known as tryptophan, which is used by the body to create serotonin, one of the “feel good” chemicals in the brain. Cacao also contains theobromine which has similar positive influences on mood and alertness as caffeine, but without the negative side effects.
These benefits, along with the delicious taste, are likely at the heart of the ancient wisdom of using cacao in sacred rituals. Processing cacao into chocolate loses most of the benefits, so using ceremonial grade cacao, which has undergone as little processing as possible, will increase the positive benefits of your cacao ceremony.
How to prepare your cacao
Everyone has a different preference for how much cacao to use. After many (many!) cups of cacao, I have found my preference is for 30g per cup.
Place your cacao, 100-110ml of hot water and 100-110ml of hot milk of your choice in a blender. Don’t worry about the cacao being in a solid form - the hot liquids and blending will melt it. You can use more liquid to suit your personal preference, but I prefer a richer drink. For the milk, I prefer to use non-dairy and find that a good quality oat milk works best, however you can use whatever milk suits your needs. Add your sweetener of choice - I prefer honey to keep my cacao ceremony as closely connected to nature as possible, with maple syrup being another good choice. I suggest a teaspoon per cup (cacao is quite bitter and those expecting a ‘hot chocolate’ type taste might prefer more sweetener to start with).
For grounding, I often add cinnamon and nutmeg (also great anti-inflammatories and rich in antioxidants). These spices are connected to the root chakra, helping you to feel spiritually grounded, and in Ayurvedic cooking are considered to be balancing. If I want more of a boost in my cacao, I also add macca powder, with its benefits including increasing energy levels.
Blend everything together for 5-10 seconds, then pour into your cup.
Enjoying a cacao ceremony
You can feel free to enjoy your cacao as a tasty drink that is doing you good. Or you can take a few mindful moments to create more of a ceremony around your cacao. Perhaps you take your cacao outside with you to sit under the sky, or find a quiet spot indoors. Next, engage your senses - focus on how the cup feels in your hands, what you can hear around you, the aroma from the cacao, the sight of the steam rising from the cup. Consider setting an intention, such as to bring more of a sense of calm into your day, to be more balanced, or to increase your connection with the divine. Before you take your first sip, thank Mother Nature for providing her bounty in the form of the cacao. As you start to drink, pay attention to the whole experience. The feel of the cup on your lips, the taste of the cacao on your tongue, the temperature and how it feels as you swallow the delicious drink. Give gratitude for the experience. Bring your focus to your intention, and mindfully experience each sip. Once you have finished, you may wish to take a moment for a meditation, or to reflect on any difference you feel following your cacao. Notice your state of mind. You might want to close off your ritual by raising your arms up overhead as you take a deep breath in, drawing the hands in towards your heart centre as you sigh out. Close off with a moment of thanks or gratitude as you breath in the energy you want to take with you for the rest of the day.
Experiment with your ritual to see what is most meaningful for you. There is no right or wrong way - any ritual has the meaning that you give to it.
Wishing you much love and light as you explore the wonders of cacao.